
Building problems with JuMP.jl

Currently the easiest ways to pass problems to ProxSDP is through JuMP or MathOptInterface.

In the test folder one can find MOI implementations of some problems: MIMO, Sensor Localization, Random SDPs and sdplib problems.

Solver arguments

ArgumentDescriptionTypeValues (default)
log_verboseprint evolution of the processBoolfalse
log_freqprint evoluition of the process every n iterationsInt100
timer_verboseOutputs a time loggerBoolfalse
time_limitMaximum time the algorithm can try to solve in secondsFloat64360000.0
max_iterMaximum number of iterationsInt1000000
tol_primalPrimal error toleranceFloat641e-3
tol_dualDual error toleranceFloat641e-3
tol_psdTolerance associated with PSD coneFloat641e-15
tol_socTolerance associated with SOC coneFloat641e-15
initial_thetaInitial over relaxation parameterFloat641.0
initial_betaInitial primal/dual step ratioFloat641.0
min_betaMinimum primal/dual step ratioFloat641e-4
max_betaMaximum primal/dual step ratioFloat641e+4
convergence_windowMinimum number of iterations to update target rankInt200
max_linsearch_stepsMaximum number of iterations for linesearchInt1000
full_eig_decompFlag for using full eigenvalue decompositionBoolfalse

JuMP example

A quick JuMP example:

using ProxSDP, JuMP

# Create a JuMP model using ProxSDP as the solver
model = Model(with_optimizer(ProxSDP.Optimizer, log_verbose=true))

# Create a Positive Semidefinite variable
@variable(model, X[1:2,1:2], PSD)

x = X[1,1]
y = X[2,2]

@constraint(model, ub_x, x <= 2)
@constraint(model, ub_y, y <= 30)
@constraint(model, con, 1x + 5y <= 3)

# ProxSDP supports maximization or minimization
# of linear functions
@objective(model, Max, 5x + 3 * y)

# Then we can solve the model

# And ask for results!



The first version of the paper can be found here.

  title={Exploiting Low-Rank Structure in Semidefinite Programming by Approximate Operator Splitting},
  author={Souto, Mario and Garcia, Joaquim D and Veiga, {\'A}lvaro},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05231},


  • ProxSDP is a research software, therefore it should not be used in production.
  • Please open an issue if you find any problems, developers will try to fix and find alternatives.
  • ProxSDP assumes primal and dual feasibility. Currently, it is not able to reliably identify infeasibility and unboundedness.